Brad Ohlrogge: Mission & Justice

Join us as Brad Ohlrogge shares about how his experiences building homes and relationships for a community in Honduras. Brad also shared about the importance of doing missions that promotes the values of the Kingdom of God being justice and equality.

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Dustin Hite
Transformation in Small Spirit Led Steps

If someone had asked me 5 years ago if I would be working out of a hospital-based program to counsel victims of violent crime in the most underserved parts of Peoria, I would probably have looked at you funny. Then, I wouldn’t have been aware enough of my own privilege to know how privileged I was to work my part-time hours in a group private practice with people who could well afford my psychotherapy services. There is a place for that work, but I was soon to learn that there are other needs that need to be met for justice to get a little closer.

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Lisa McCormick: Being Present as a Parent

We are doing our Imago Voices a little different during this quarantine. Instead of in writing, we are going to do live interviews in conjunction with our sermon series. This week Lisa McCormick shared about what it looked like to be consistent and present to the needs around you as a parent and spouse.

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Dustin Hite
Co-Pastor Search Update

The Search Committee is still actively moving forward with interviews for a new co-pastor to work alongside Josh! We finished our first round of phone interviews with 6 candidates in early April. All with great qualities and experiences to bring to the role! After discussions, we decided to move on with 4 of those candidates to the next phase. The second round of interviews will be done with the Search Committee and Leadership Team via Zoom end of April/early May.

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Dustin Hite
Seeing Myself In Scripture

In this well-known story, Jesus has just learned about the beheading of John the Baptist. While the disciples and Jesus are privately grieving this news and loss, the crowds start to find him. Jesus freely gives his energy and time. He loves and heals them — 5,000 of them. It starts to get late in the day, and no one has eaten. They discuss what is available to eat, and it is discovered that a boy has two fish and five loaves of bread. (John 6:9)

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Dustin Hite
Who's "The Least of These"?

The least of these passage (Matthew 25:34-45) has been a favorite tool of mine for years. I have used it to guard against my own greed and selfishness. Too often, I have weaponized it against those who advocate for policies that fail to care for the most vulnerable. But those readings were filled with guilt and judgment. There was also an arrogance in assuming I was not the one impoverished. Although I had all of my material needs met for example, I did not realize how much I need human connection until I was forced to physically distance. Now, in the midst of a pandemic I am learning that we are all the least of these; we are all hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, imprisoned.

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Dustin Hite
Disordered Attachments

When we are forced into patterns we can’t control we see who we really are. We see what we love. And it may not be what we expected or what we wanted to be true.

This is a time to take stock. I think many of us have done this before now, maybe in another crisis (personal or not), where we have gone through a mental list of who and what is important to us. But after we have done that this time, we may find that there is more...mostly because we have so much time on our hands and are especially isolated and not in control…

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Guest User
Jesus Calms the Storm

Kids have worries. Some are things adults worry about too, but some of the things they worry about aren’t real. To a child, however, those things are very real. They think there are monsters everywhere: in the closet, in a dark room, in the toilet (and then refuse to sit on the potty). As a parent, I’ve had to deal with all kinds of worries from my kids. When I’m well rested and feeling good, I can give an A-plus response to their worries- even the ones that I know are nothing to worry about. I’m great at helping them calm down and reassuring them that everything is going to be okay. But when I’m woken up 20 minutes after I’ve gone to sleep for the night, I might have a C-minus response at best. I imagine that’s how Jesus felt in this story.

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I’ve always connected deeply with the parable of the Prodigal Son. The idea of always being able to leave and deeply screw up but always be allowed to return, be forgiven, and be loved just as deeply as if I had never left made me so happy. To have someone care for you just that deeply! I love my parents and I know that they love me, too, but as a child and even now, I always worried that their love for me was measured. That they would never be able to love me if they found out I was kissing girls, or the fact that I really wanted to be a gender other than what I was. I always thought that the second they found out, I would be kicked to the curb. Did that really happen, though? No. I was one of the lucky ones. I know others that weren’t, though.

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Imago Dei's Response to Coronavirus Concerns

Due to the fact that all public schools, many large gatherings, sporting events and churches in our community have decided to cancel services, we too have made the difficult decision to cancel Sunday services temporarily. We will not meet this Sunday, March 15th or next Sunday, March 22nd. We will reevaluate the next steps at that time. Stay posted as we will have more details in the coming days about ways we can still find spiritual enrichment and community during this Lenten season.

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Face of Jesus in a Child

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them.” - Matthew 19:14

The Sunday before Christmas, in his sermon, Josh mentioned friends putting out water in the desert in Mexico so that migrants had something to drink. I knew in that moment that we were headed south. Lewis, who was on the security team, had moved a few rows ahead of me. He turned around, looked at me, and I knew he felt the same. Every day for at least a month before this, I had listened to the old hymn, Have Thine Own Way, Lord, Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.

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