Imago Dei Resource Team Facility Updates

The Resource team looks after the business aspects of the church to support the ongoing mission of Imago Dei. One area that we are responsible for is building maintenance.  We want our facility to mirror the inclusive, safe and welcoming nature of Imago because it is used by several groups that focus on nourishing people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

The building was built in the ’70s and not well maintained the years before Imago landed in the space.  Many things need attention and we are making good progress.   Through generous donations of time and money, we have been able to replace the roof, update the bathrooms, replace half of the windows and perform half of the needed tuck-pointing repairs.

We will finish the tuckpointing work in 2021.  This work is critical for the safety and structural integrity of the building.   This year’s tuckpointing will cost $52,760 and is being funded with $20,000 from the building fund and the remainder from private donations.

The next big project is to replace the remaining windows and exterior doors.  Many of the door frames are rusted beyond repair and allow weather and mice to enter the building.  The replacement doors we selected are aluminum framed and full glass, making them more welcoming and virtually maintenance-free.  In addition, we plan to add accessible openers to the doors by the sanctuary.

The remaining window and door replacements are not yet funded.  The cost of these projects is $50,912.   If you would like to donate, you can do so online or by sending a check to the church.  When you make a donation, please designate the Building Fund.  All donations, big and small do make a difference.

Thank you for your support of Imago and our missions.


Pat Roesler

Resource Team Chair

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