Parent/Guardian Summer Sunday School 2021 Information    

We are excited to start Genesis Sunday School back up again! 

Thank you for bringing your child to participate!  We are committed to following the current phase of recommendations from the CDC. We are diligent in caring for and creating a safe and loving environment for your child to learn and grow on his/her faith journey! 

In order to provide the best possible care for your child, please consider the following:

  • Ages for this Summer Sunday School class are 3 years old through 5th grade.

  • Children who come to this class must be fully potty trained.

  • Do not bring your child to church and/or to the class if he/she isn’t feeling well or if he/she is exhibiting any symptoms of illness. 

  • As we will be having the Sunday School class outside, please take your child to the restroom before church, so he/she will not have to be taken inside during the class time.

  • As this class is happening in the summer and it’s often very warm, please provide your child with a water bottle to take outside with him/her. If your child doesn’t bring a water bottle, one will be provided for him/her. 

  • Please have your child wear a mask at all times while in the church building. 

  • Your child will be with you during the music time of service, then at around 10:15, your child will be dismissed to go to the side door (right next to the main sanctuary doors). 

  • Notify the teachers for that Sunday of any allergens or anything else you’d like to share with them about your child.  

  • Please pick up your child outside by 11:20.

  • We sometimes communicate plans, updates, and info using the Genesis Parent Facebook page. Let us know if we need to add you! 

  • In the case of inclement weather, we’ll have class in the Parkview Room, where we will wear masks and social distance as much as possible.

Health Guidelines

If your child becomes ill or injured during the service, you will be contacted immediately. 

For the health of all children and volunteers in Genesis, children that have had any of the following symptoms in the past 24 hours will not be admitted into the Genesis class:

  • fever

  • diarrhea

  • infected wounds

  • ringworm

  • runny nose with green/yellow discharge

  • eye infections/pink eye

  • contagious skin rash

  • cough

  • any other symptoms common to illness

For the health of all children and volunteers in Genesis, any child who has used an antibiotic in the past 48 hours will not be admitted into the Genesis class.


All adult volunteers must submit a background check prior to serving in Genesis.

Please contact Holly Earleson or Pastor Melinda Sparks with any questions, concerns, or ideas. 
Holly Earleson -
Melinda Sparks - (256-679-9127)

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