For the Sake of Others

“If we love God, but not our neighbor, we’re of no use to God. If we love our neighbor, but not God, we’re of no use to our neighbor.”   - Henri Nouwen

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

     and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8

The Holy Spirit’s leading throughout the last few months has hopefully led us to become better versions of ourselves as we’ve noticed more and connected more to the Divine. But we’ll never fully know how those versions of ourselves stand up in the world if we remain alone, in solitude. We’ll know the measure of our growth in the fruit of the Spirit by being in relationship with others, those who are close to us and those who are not. Those who are easy to love and those who are not. 

The development of character, groundedness, and connectivity to God are crucial in and of themselves because God loves us and wants us to be our truest selves. At the same time, the way we exist in the world is part of the reflection of God’s love for those around us, whom God also knows and longs for.

This month let us focus on being FOR others. And let’s do this with a random (or not so random) acts of kindness campaign. For July, we invite you to extend six acts of kindness to others. These acts can take whatever form you like; the goal is simply to offer a kindness to another.

Please remember - feeling good about doing good is not vain or selfish. We are hard-wired to receive pleasure from other people’s happiness.  Compassionate people are happier. Happier people are more compassionate. It’s a beautiful paradox. So regardless of which comes first - happiness or compassion - let’s lean into being kind this month as an extension of the inner work we’ve already been doing this year. And in that kindness, my hope is that you feel joy.

As you perform each of your six acts of kindness this month, remember to notice God in the act itself. He is joyfully present with you and with the person you are offering kindness - we are all humans and we are all made in the Divine Image. Thank God that you are able to be available for others (whatever that may look like in your world) and that you have Her Spirit to accompany you in this endeavor. Amen.

Kids’ Version:

This month, let’s practice kindness together! We all love it when someone does something nice for us - let’s give that experience to others, giving them the chance to feel good and loved. The challenge this month is to perform 3 acts of kindness for 3 different people.


Take a cart back to the store for someone

Pick up your toys without being asked

Do the dishes

Make a card for someone and mail it

Offer to do a chore your parents normally do to give them a break

These are only a few examples, and you would need to make sure that if it’s outside of your family you are getting permission or help from a parent - don’t worry, getting help or permission will not lessen the value of your kindness :

As you do each act of kindness, notice how you feel. Feeling good about doing kind things is a reward for our connection with another person. Be excited that you are hard-wired to feel good for doing good!

And as always, as you notice how you feel, thank God for your emotions - big and small, positive or not. You are a walking, talking wonderful image of the Divine and we all have a connection to her. Remember your connection this month as you are kind - let it remind you of how God is loving and kind to you!


Vicky Brown is a spiritual director, rock collector and loves sci-fi and fantasy. As a “4” on the Enneagram she feels all the things, all the time. Just ask her husband, Cory. Vicky currently works with Mandy Kampen to co-lead Eats Drinks and Orthodoxy.

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