Miguel, An Immigrant From Mexico.


Each of the 3 people that showed me his faith was a person of much joy. The first was my dad. As a boy from a large family, he was loved unconditionally. That's why I think it must have been natural for him to love my mom, my sister, and me so well. I have a very easy time believing in God the Father. The woman pastor who spoke at my dad's funeral said she'd never felt led to use I Corinthians 13 at a funeral until she met Gale Callahan. He embodied the famous chapter on love. He lived out his faith as a friend to all. Jen Hatmaker recently posted that she and her family were overloved by her dad. I claim the same.

Miguel is an immigrant from Mexico. I met him in the kitchen of Annunciation House in El Paso, TX December 2019. He was there when Lewis and I returned March 2021 to volunteer again. He asked if I remembered him. Remember? I tell everyone his story. When Miguel was a boy, many people came to his front door asking for food. His mother was always ready to give to all, even special vegetables to the vegetarian. Miguel's parents were returning from a vacation and saw Miguel at their door, giving away food. His mom asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm giving everyone food, just like I see you doing, mom." I want to be like Miguel's mom.

Matthew 25:40 "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Shawn who grew up in China is a long term volunteer at Annunciation House. He's a Notre Dame U graduate who is contemplating going to a Mennonite U to study restorative justice. There was a young lady volunteering when we did who was getting ready to start medical school. She said she'd be paying back student loans all of her life as she would never work for money. I told Shawn that I struggled with the thought that she and her parents would spend tens of thousands of dollars on her education. I said that it just seems counter cultural. Shawn turned to me and said, "Just like the gospel, huh?"

I am challenged and inspired by the faith and values of these young people!

Sue is married to Lewis, mom/stepmom to 9, grammie to 26, and friend to many wonderful people.

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Sue is married to Lewis, mom/stepmom to 9, grammie to 26, and friend to many wonderful people.

Sue is the third from the left sitting down.

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