Bridge to Phase 5 Guidelines

Imago has decided that individuals or groups that occupy no more than 60% of the capacity of a room may begin meeting in the building and we will increase our in-person services to 120 people on a Sunday morning starting May 23rd. As we observe state guidelines for the bridge to phase five, the following practices should be observed.

They are as follows:

  •  Wear facial coverings (e.g. masks, bandanas, scarfs). We will have extra masks on site. If someone is unwilling to wear a mask, we will kindly inform them they’re not allowed to enter the building for other's protection and per our policy.

  • Communal singing in the sanctuary is permitted again but we ask that you stay masked.

  • No food or beverages are allowed in the sanctuary but will be allowed anywhere else in the building (i.e. foyer, Parkview hall, bathrooms, etc.) We are still not offering shared coffee stations.

  • Children’s Busy Bags will return for kiddos to use during the service.

  • Pew Bibles, pens, offering envelops, not pads and info cards will be returning to the pews.

  • Every other row will still be tapped off but we will no longer have purple checkmarks in order to open up the pews more, providing more seating for our increased seating capacity.

  • We will temporarily disband reserved seating for Sunday until we begin reaching our 120 capacity.

  •  Maintain good personal hygiene including hand washing, sanitizing, and not touching your face. Used tissues should be thrown in the trash and hands washed.

  • Any individuals displaying symptoms of COVID-19 as well as people who have had close contact with a person who has symptoms of COVID-19 refrain from participating in any aspect of in-person gatherings in the church building.

  • We will provide hand sanitizer, tissues, and wastebaskets in each space and we encourage everyone using the space to utilize these resources.

  • Everyone attending services should enter through the main entrance doors and no one is permitted to enter and exit through the kitchen doors.

  • If smoking outside, please observe a 10-foot social distance from others around you and avoid smoking near doors and windows.

If you have questions or concerns, you may contact Pastor Josh Lee at 224-856-8543 or

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